
A compact template mainly for notes taken in English



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%\journal{Future Generation Computing Systems}


{\LARGE\textbf{A brief description of LSP}}

%%%%%%%  BODY  %%%%%%%%%%

\section{Our Planet}

Ripening fig trees, overhanging the water's edge, provide welcome food for shoals of hungry fish.

The commotion attracts dorado, known locally as the river tiger.

They patrol the feeding shoals looking for a chance to strike.

And waiting in the wings, ready to pick off any injured fish, are the piranhas.

A feeding frenzy quickly develops.

Piranha can strip a fish to the bone in minutes.

Great numbers of fish sustain vast flocks of water birds.

The roseate spoonbill is just one of the 650 bird species found in the Pantanal.

They nest alongside woodstorks in colonies thousands strong.

Spectacled caiman linger below, waiting for a meal to fall out of the sky.


These sand seas(沙海) can be hundreds of miles across. In Namibia, the winds have built some of the biggest dunes in the world. Star dunes like these can be 300 metres high. Grains swept up the flanks are blown off the crests of the ridges, so it's only the tops that are moving. The main body of these dunes may not have shifted for 5,000 years




In a row
	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.35\textwidth}                      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{1.jpg}
	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.35\textwidth}                    \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{2.jpg}          

In a column
	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.35\textwidth}                      \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{1.jpg}
	\begin{subfigure}[b]{0.35\textwidth}                    \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{2.jpg}          

		\State \textbf{Inputs}: I want 眼镜娘
		\State \textbf{Outputs}: Girl.jpg
		\State  I am coming...
		\While{( NotEnd == True )}
		\State  Searching for 眼镜娘 in my disks
		\For{pic in \textit{H}}  
		\State\State 再找
		\If{( isGlasses is True)}
		\State Save
		\ElsIf{( isSetu ) } \Comment{其它的也不错} 
		\State  Save2
		\ElsIf{( 不是涩图 )}  \Comment{gei ye pa} 
		\State Continue
		\State \textbf{Return} 找到的涩图

\begin{equation} \label{eq:1} %%%这个会有角标
	LF(x)=0.01\times \frac{u\times \sigma }{\left | v \right |^{\frac{1}{\beta }}}, \sigma =\left ( \frac{\Gamma (1+\beta )\times sin(\frac{\pi\beta}{2})}{\Gamma(\frac{1+\beta}{2})\times \beta\times2^{(\frac{\beta-1}{2})})}  \right )^{\frac{1}{\beta}}

	\item 	\textsl{Harris Hawks Optimization: Algorithm and Applications, Ali Asghar Heidari and Seyedali Mirjalili and Hossam Faris and Ibrahim Aljarah and Majdi Mafarja and Huiling Chen, Future Generation Computer Systems, 2019}.



It looks like this: